3 Pack with Founder Letter
3 Pack with Founder Letter
Release sustained energy from ketones without a sugar shock
Center with 80mg natural caffeine ideally balanced with natural L-theanine
Feel the flow from ketones made via fermentation thanks to the power of nature
The unit of energy for your body is calories (just ask your 5th grade physics teacher!). Anything else is not real energy. KEY has 79 calories from ketones to power up deliciously! We ferment sugar to make the purest ketones. They are also naturally found in coconuts and avocados.
11.5g AvelaTM Pre-Ketones, 80mg Natural Green Tea Caffeine, Natural L-Theanine, Natural Stevia Sweetener, Natural Flavors
Mix it up before you commit. Experience each of our three delicious flavors in one pack!
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